I was invited, and paid money, to present a workshop thanks to the Loudoun County Public Library (LCPL) system here in Northern Virginia. My workshop, “Strong Heroes for Strong Stories,” will be held on November 14th, at the Cascades Library, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The full description of my workshop is:
Compelling heroes are the centerpiece of successful stories. They’re not just carried along by the plot—they drive the plot. They demand the reader’s attention and drag them on a journey. If your heroes aren’t doing that, then this is the workshop for you. This group collaborative session will teach you a multi-layered approach to crafting a compelling, memorable hero. During the character-building exercises, you’ll also learn how to build a meaningful character arc for your hero that you can leverage for your story’s plot.
If you’re in the area, come check out the workshop. I’ll also be signing and selling books afterward (totally optional, of course).
If you can’t make it, I’ll be making my workshop PowerPoint slides available online the day after the event.
My workshop is now available online. See my Media to download a PDF of the PowerPoint slidedeck for the workshop.