Donna Royston (1955 - 2024)

Donna Royston RIP

January 3, 2025 davidkeener 0

My friend, fellow author, and editing collaborator passed away on December 24th after a more than four year struggle with cancer. We met through the Hourlings, the writing group that we’d both been part of for the last twelve or more years. Over the years, she’s copyedited, and sometimes edited, just about every story I’ve published, and that’s after critiquing them in our writing group.

Invisible: Cast of Characters

Invisible: Cast of Characters

January 23, 2024 davidkeener 0

I often do a Cast of Characters cheat sheet for my stories. Here’s the one for my upcoming novella, “Invisible” (this is a working title, so it will probably change later). This helps me keep some of the details of my characters straight.


Indie Writing Life: Awesome Beginning

January 18, 2024 davidkeener 0

This is the inaugural episode of a new feature I’ve decided to call “Indie Writing Life,” which is basically a (hopefully) weekly account of the trials and tribulations of being an indie writer.

Dave's New Business Card

We Have Business Cards

December 18, 2023 davidkeener 0

Honestly, most business cards are boring. They really are. But I keep ending up in situations where I need them to hand out…and it sucks to not have them. The way I figure it, though, as a writer…I’m in the entertainment business. If I’m going to have cards, I want them to be memorable. Check it out now!

Coming Soon

Coming Soon (2024 Edition)

November 28, 2023 davidkeener 0

Here’s what’s coming up in 2024 in terms of stories. You’ll see new entries in both my “Thousand Kingdoms” and “Inflection Point” series, plus other works.

Workshop: Strong Stories Need Strong Heroes

Workshop at the Cascades Library

November 2, 2023 davidkeener 1

I was invited to present a workshop thanks to the Loudoun County Public Library (LCPL) system here in Northern Virginia. My workshop, “Strong Heroes for Strong Stories,” will be held on November 14th, at the Cascades Library, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Forever Inn - Layout and Rules

Welcome to the Forever Inn

October 30, 2023 davidkeener 0

The Forever Inn is a magical establishment that travels throughout the multiverse, staying in each milieu for a few days or a week before moving on. It’s also a shared setting for an upcoming anthology called…you guessed it…The Forever Inn. In this post, you’ll find the “pages” of a faux brochure created to advertise the benefits of the Forever Inn as a tourist destination. It’s also a good introduction to the setting.

Bluemont Fair 2023

At the 2023 Bluemont Fair

September 25, 2023 davidkeener 1

I had a wonderful time selling books at the Bluemont Fair, an event that I only heard about for the first time about a month ago. This, despite the fact that this is the 53rd annual running of the event and I’ve been living in this general area since 1996. I sold LOTS of books, as did fellow authors Martin Wilsey and S. C. Megale, who shared the booth with me.

My bookshelf, after six years

Six Years As a Published Writer

September 20, 2023 davidkeener 1

So, I’ve been publishing my stories for 6 years now. This is a picture of every publication I’ve been in, from anthologies to my solo books that have been published through Tannhauser Press.