Hourlings Podcast Project, S2E3: Favorite Quotes

Hourlings Podcast: Favorite Quotes (34m)

April 24, 2022 davidkeener 0

This episode’s topic is “Favorite Quotes,” wherein our illustrious panel of working writers discusses their favorite quotes, ranging from inspirational to downright hilarious. Come join us for the fun!

Lomo Saltado, Author Chow

Author Chow: Lomo Saltado

April 18, 2022 davidkeener 0

It’s been a while since I posted one of my Author Chow entries, dedicated to the premise that authors, like armies, require sustenance or they don’t do what they’re supposed to be doing.

Road Trip Thumbnail

Road Trip Release

February 17, 2022 davidkeener 0

My new novelette, Road Trip, is now available in the ebook format from Amazon, and in print from vendors like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, […]

Road Trip - Detail

Road Trip Blurb

December 2, 2021 davidkeener 1

The blurb for “Road Trip,” my next book, which is being published by the end of December, 2021. Check it out!

For Sale By Writer

For Sale, But Where?

September 17, 2021 davidkeener 0

Somebody asked me where they could buy my books. Then I realized that I didn’t know which retailers besides Amazon sold my books. So I did a bit of research…


Re-Hosting Completed

September 17, 2021 davidkeener 0

Thanks to everybody for your thoughts and good wishes over the past week. Yes, I’ve been able to get everything moved to my new hosting platform, OpalStack. It took a lot of work to get everything moved. I’d been with WebFaction (RIP) since 2006, so my web properties were distinctly enterprise-level in size and scope after all this time.