Hourlings Podcast E34: World-Building - Generation Ship

Hourlings Podcast E34: World-Building – Generation Ship (54m)

June 12, 2021 dkeener 0

The Daedalus Seven is a vast generation ship with multiple, diverse habitats on a doomed, never-ending voyage. David Keener designed the ship, then challenged our inestimable writers with a serious world-building exercise. Their mission is to design the civilizations, flora, fauna, and geographical conditions of the ship’s remaining habitable areas. And then brainstorm about the types of stories that might occur on the ship.

Hourlings Podcast Project

Hourlings Podcast: May 2021 Episodes

June 5, 2021 dkeener 0

Here are the May episodes of the Hourlings Podcast, featuring our awesome crew of working indie writers. From heroic archetypes to Happy Hour, from dialogue to brainstorming, and even getting an agent…the May episodes cover real topics for real writers.

Kindle Create

Producing an Ebook Using Kindle Create

May 13, 2021 dkeener 0

Learn how to produce ebooks for Amazon using their new preferred method, which is Kindle Create. You’ll use this to create a KPF file, which you’ll upload to Amazon KDP as your ebook source.

Daedalus Seven Interior

Voyage of the Daedalus Seven, Part 2

April 7, 2021 dkeener 0

The Daedalus Seven is a vast generation ship with multiple, diverse habitats on a doomed, never-ending voyage. Your mission is to design the civilizations, flora, fauna, and geographical conditions of the ship’s remaining habitable areas. Part 2 of a three-part world-building exercise.

Winter Roses at SmashWords

Released “Winter Roses” via SmashWords

April 3, 2021 dkeener 0

“Winter Roses” is one of the first fantasy short stories I wrote, way back in 2013. It’s too short to really be marketable, so I’ve released it globally for free using SmashWords. Available in Epub, Mobi, PDF and HTML. Not available on Amazon, since I can’t count on them price-matching.

Daedalus Seven Interior

Voyage of the Daedalus Seven, Part 1

March 27, 2021 dkeener 0

Find out about the doomed voyage of the Daedalus Seven, a vast generation ship with multiple, diverse habitats. Part 1 of a three-part world-building exercise. This installment covers the basic design of the starship, its habitats, and crew-accessible operational facilities.