Steve Keener vs. Tree

Motorcycle vs. Tree

November 21, 2020 dkeener 0

So, this is a picture of my brother, Steve Keener, shortly after he crashed into a tree during one of his off-road runs (motorcycles are […]

SpaceX Operational Launch

November 15, 2020 dkeener 0

Today marked the first operational launch of a fully-crewed SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket into space. It carried four astronauts and cargo bound for the International […]

David Keener in Paris

Virtual Vacation: Paris

November 4, 2020 dkeener 0

My whirlwind virtual vacation continues with me sitting just inside a Paris apartment with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Looking out the open door […]

Hourlings Podcast Project

New Podcast Project

November 1, 2020 dkeener 0

I’ve started working with Martin Wilsey on a new podcast project. It will be focused on the topic of writing and branded under the Hourlings […]