The Curator - Anthology Cover

Coming Soon: The Curator

October 27, 2018 dkeener 0

Coming soon! The Curator, an anthology about…artwork? Yes. And featuring my new novella, “Clash by Night,” a semi-military SF story about a heist in a […]

Fantastic Four (1994)

Fantastic Four

October 21, 2018 dkeener 0

I can neither confirm nor deny that I attended a showing of a bootleg copy of Roger Corman’s unreleased “Fantastic Four” film from 1994. Had […]

The Rooftop Game - Buy Now!

Failure Is Not an Option

October 20, 2018 dkeener 0

Failure…is not an option. Surrounded by enemies, Lydio Malik, the Royal Bodyguard to the infant Princess Analisa, will do ANYTHING to save the sole heir […]

Author Chow: Taco Bamba

Author Chow: Taco Bamba

October 12, 2018 dkeener 0

Well, apparently I am (temporarily) a full-time author. The Day Job ended on Friday and the New Day Job has not yet officially started (due […]

About the Writing Life

September 25, 2018 dkeener 1

In case anyone is curious what the life of a writer is like, especially an indie-published writer. In addition to the Day Job, and looking […]