Dave's New Business Card

We Have Business Cards

December 18, 2023 davidkeener 0

Honestly, most business cards are boring. They really are. But I keep ending up in situations where I need them to hand out…and it sucks to not have them. The way I figure it, though, as a writer…I’m in the entertainment business. If I’m going to have cards, I want them to be memorable. Check it out now!

Clash by Night - A Recipe for Action

Clash by Night Promotion

December 11, 2023 davidkeener 0

What could be better for Christmas than your very own copy of my best-selling story of 2023, Clash by Night?
Join Emily Dunkirk and her band of mercenaries and art historians as they travel up the Amazon River to rescue a priceless cash of stolen paintings.

Friday’s Film Vault: Godzilla Minus One

December 8, 2023 davidkeener 0

I saw “Godzilla Minus One” last weekend at the theater with my brother. It’s a 15-million-dollar Godzilla movie featuring Japanese actors and subtitles. Oh, and it’s a historical drama, set right after World War II.

Best movie I’ve seen all year

Coming Soon

Coming Soon (2024 Edition)

November 28, 2023 davidkeener 0

Here’s what’s coming up in 2024 in terms of stories. You’ll see new entries in both my “Thousand Kingdoms” and “Inflection Point” series, plus other works.

Forever Inn

Preview: Hunting Expedition

November 19, 2023 davidkeener 0

The Forever Inn is a magical establishment that travels throughout the multiverse, staying in each milieu for a few days or a week before moving on. The Forever Inn allows individuals from different times and places, even entirely different realities, to interact with each other, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. And, sometimes, to have adventures…
In Hunting Expedition, Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, better known as Nellie Bly, ends up visiting the inn during a dream. Of course, she gets far more than she expected during her time there.

Strong Heroes Need Strong Heroes

Strong Stories Need Strong Heroes

November 17, 2023 davidkeener 0

I was invited by the Loudoun County Library System (LCLS) to present a workshop at the Cascades Library in Sterling, VA. As I always do, I make the PDFs of my workshop presentations available online.

Workshop: Strong Stories Need Strong Heroes

Workshop at the Cascades Library

November 2, 2023 davidkeener 1

I was invited to present a workshop thanks to the Loudoun County Public Library (LCPL) system here in Northern Virginia. My workshop, “Strong Heroes for Strong Stories,” will be held on November 14th, at the Cascades Library, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Forever Inn - Layout and Rules

Welcome to the Forever Inn

October 30, 2023 davidkeener 0

The Forever Inn is a magical establishment that travels throughout the multiverse, staying in each milieu for a few days or a week before moving on. It’s also a shared setting for an upcoming anthology called…you guessed it…The Forever Inn. In this post, you’ll find the “pages” of a faux brochure created to advertise the benefits of the Forever Inn as a tourist destination. It’s also a good introduction to the setting.

Worlds Enough Online Store

My Online Store Launches

October 24, 2023 davidkeener 0

I launched my online store today.
I’ve wanted to set up a store for a while, for a whole bunch of reasons. I wanted to be able to sell signed copies of my books, as well as related extras in the future.
So, I launched my own online store using Square. Most people are familiar with Square…their core competency is their credit card processing capabilities, which you can find on display just about everywhere.

Bluemont Fair 2023

At the 2023 Bluemont Fair

September 25, 2023 davidkeener 1

I had a wonderful time selling books at the Bluemont Fair, an event that I only heard about for the first time about a month ago. This, despite the fact that this is the 53rd annual running of the event and I’ve been living in this general area since 1996. I sold LOTS of books, as did fellow authors Martin Wilsey and S. C. Megale, who shared the booth with me.