My bookshelf, after six years

Six Years As a Published Writer

September 20, 2023 davidkeener 1

So, I’ve been publishing my stories for 6 years now. This is a picture of every publication I’ve been in, from anthologies to my solo books that have been published through Tannhauser Press.

Dave's 2023 Capclave Schedule

Capclave 2023 Schedule

September 18, 2023 davidkeener 3

I’ll be at Capclave 2023, our local DC-MD-VA literary SF convention, from Sep 29 – Oct 1. In addition to helping to man the Tannhauser Press table in the Dealer’s Room, I’m participating in two panels, as well as running my “Occupational Hazard” workshop.

Bluemont Fair 2023

Bluemont Fair – 2023

September 14, 2023 davidkeener 1

I’ll be selling and signing books at the 53rd Annual Bluemont Fair in Bluemont, VA this weekend, Sept 16 – 17, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Come see me! (And besides me and my books, there are all kinds of arts & crafts, fun activities, food…you name it).

The Silent Service: Books About Submarines

Recommended Readings – Submarine Edition

September 3, 2023 davidkeener 0

With this list, I’m focusing on the submarine sub-genre…military submarine stories, ranging from historical fiction to science fiction. I expect these books will be of interest mainly to the military SF folks amongst my reading audience.

Podcasting Magic

Where the Podcasting Magic Happens

August 12, 2023 davidkeener 0

A few years ago, Martin Wilsey, S.C. Megale and I did a podcast episode entitled “Where Writers Write,” in which we showed the various places in which we typically accomplished our writing. For me, I tend to write in lots of different locations, as you’ll see if you watch that episode. However, for podcasting, all the magic happens in a single place. With my fellow participants, I’ve recorded 141 episodes of the “Hourlings Podcast Project” in my office.

Operation Soundstorm

Operation Soundstorm

August 11, 2023 davidkeener 8

So, I’ve been cooking up a little something with the guidance of my fellow author Martin Wilsey. I’m in the process of getting all my published works available as audiobooks, an endeavor I hope to have complete by the end of the year. Of course, everything sounds better if it has a cool codename, so this is…Operation Soundstorm.

Martin Wilsey in the Bunker

Hourlings Podcast Project: GUNS!

July 24, 2023 davidkeener 0

Stories are about conflict. For that reason, guns often feature in our stories. Sadly, a lot of writers get the details wrong. Martin Wilsey, our resident gun expert, is here to give a basic primer on guns and how to use them effectively in fiction. Meanwhile, S.C. Megale and David Keener will be peppering him with the questions you didn’t know you needed to ask. Followed by a Pop Quiz!!!

Author Chow - Drunken Riby Eye from Sweetwater Tavern

Author Chow: Drunken Rib-Eye

July 14, 2023 davidkeener 0

It’s been a while since I posted one of my Author Chow entries, dedicated to the premise that authors, like armies, require sustenance or they don’t do what they’re supposed to be doing (hint: writing). The Drunken Rib Eye was probably the finest meal I’ve had since before the pandemic.