Balticon - Maryland's best SF Convention

Balticon 2024 Schedule

May 21, 2024 davidkeener 0

My schedule for Balticon 2024 is now available. I’ll be running one of my workshops, plus I’ve got nine other panels, including three that will be available exclusively for the Virtual Track. Come enjoy Balticon with me!

Balticon SF Convention

Balticon 54 and 55 Videos

June 14, 2022 davidkeener 1

So, I went off looking for the videos for this year’s Balticon 56. After all, it was a hybrid convention, with both an in-person and a virtual track. Well, they’re not up yet…but I found the videos for 2020 and 2021 (when it was all virtual). Check it out!
[6/18/22] The Balticon 56 videos are now available for conference attendees (including virtual attendees).

Balticon 56 - Convention View

Balticon 56

June 4, 2022 davidkeener 0

Here’s my Balticon 56 Convention Report. Overall, I had a great time at the convention, my first since the start of the pandemic.

Balticon 54

Invited to Balticon 54

October 26, 2019 dkeener 1

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to participate in the Programming Track for Balticon 54, which will be held in Baltimore from May […]

Balticon 53 (2019)

My Balticon 2019 Schedule

May 22, 2019 dkeener 0

My schedule for panels at Balticon 53 appears below: For those who aren’t familiar with her, the “Queen” that we’re talking about in my last […]